The issue now is that, although there is always more, you must ensure to see that more and be that more. Recall the story of Abraham and how God told him to leave his country to a place he will be shown? Yes, it must have not been easy for him to leave his comfort zone but then God knew there was so much more He had in stock for Abraham. Assuming Abraham had said no, I am okay here or doubted God and his promises, he would not have been able to achieve all he did throughout his lifetime, he might not be the father of faith today. This is one clear instance of one being the “limit”. He would have limited himself and remained “normal”.
So, on a final note, God’s words (including His promises) are sharper than any two-edged sword because it achieves all He sent them to do. However, be reminded that the ball is entirely in your court as the popular saying goes. How much of God’s words and promises have you laid hold on or believed? How much of His instructions do you follow? How much of His blessings do you see? What exactly have you “named” on a beautiful day as this?